Making blocks

Prodigy relies on blocks – which are just blade components with some extra magic in the background. If you know how to make blade components, you can use Prodigy like a pro.  🤯

Creating the component

Creating a new component is wildly simple. Inside of /views/components/blocks you can put as many components as you want, and they'll be automatically registered for use inside Prodigy. Let's use an example from this page called content-section, which handles showing the title and body text on this page.

< :text="$header ?? ''" />

{!! $body ?? '' !!}

Enable editable fields

Each block can – optionally – define a schema by including a yaml file. So…

  •  content-section.blade.php << template
  •  content-section.yml << schema

The editable fields get automatically delivered to the template, so if you define a header in the schema, you can use $header in the template.

Note: Blade requires camelCasing, so a field called background_color would get used as $backgroundColor in the template.

Below is a sample schema…

    type: text
    rules: required # This uses Laravel's rules engine. Pipe in as many rules here as you would like.

    type: texteditor


Each field can have a rules property which uses Laravel's extraordinary validation system. Any validation rule from Laravel is available, which means you have a ton of control over what data is entered by the content creator.


Conditionally show fields with show

Sometimes, you may want a field to depend on another field. For example, you could have a link_type dropdown that determines whether a link should be shown on the page. In this case, you would do show: link_type:url on the child fields. The editor will automatically handle showing and hiding fields. Note: the conditional logic depends on the slugified content, so “URL” becomes “url”

You can also do:

  • show: columns:gt:3
  • show: columns:gte:3
  • show: columns:lt:3
  • show: columns:lte:3
    type: dropdown
    label: Link
      - None
      - Url
    type: link
    show: link_type:url
    type: text
    show: link_type:url